Hebrews 7:1-28



  • Who was this letter written to? [ Hebrews 1:1 ]
  • Who has entered behind the curtain? [ Hebrews 6:19-20 ]
    • What is this “curtain”? Who normally went behind it?


  • What was Melchizedek’s position? [ Hebrews 7:1 ]
    • How did Melchizedek react to Abraham? [ Genesis 14:19-20 ]
      • Why might Melchizedek have done this?
    • Why did Abraham give Melchizedek a tenth? [ Hebrews 7:2 ]
  • How is Jesus similar to Melchizedek? [ Hebrews 7:3 ]
  • Who effectively gave to Melchizedek when Abraham gave to Melchizedek? [ Hebrews 7:4-9 ]
    • Why was Melchizedek superior?
  • Why was another priest of the order of Melchizedek needed? [ Hebrews 7:11 ]
    • What changed too? [ Hebrews 7:12 ]
    • How is Jesus different with respect to Aaron and his sons? [ Hebrews 7:13-14]
  • How did Jesus receive his position as high priest? [ Hebrews 7:16 ]
    • How long will he retain this position? [ Hebrews 7:17 ]
  • Why was the law set aside? [ Hebrews 7:18-19 ]
  • How was Jesus’ appointment different to that of Aaron and his sons? [ Hebrews 7:20-21 ]
    • Who made the oath? [ Hebrews 7:21 ]
  • What is fundamentally different about Jesus’ life and ability to serve as a priest? [ Hebrews 7:23-25 ]
    • What does Jesus not need to do? [ Hebrews 7:26-27 ]


  • Why is Jesus the best high priest?
  • Why is it good news that Jesus is the high priest?
    • What changed when Jesus became the high priest?
    • What is Jesus able to do?

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