
  • What is waking up in [ Isaiah 51:9 ] ?
  • What is the extent of the LORD’s power described in [ Isaiah 51:15 ] ?


  • Who is told to wake up? [ Isaiah 51:17 ]
  • What is wrong with God’s people? [ Isaiah 51:17-20 ]
  • What is the LORD going to do with his wrath? [ Isaiah 51:22-23 ]
  • Why are the people of Zion to wake up? [ Isaiah 52:1-2 ]
  • What is the LORD going to do for his people? [ Isaiah 52:3-6 ]
  • How should God’s people react to his salvation plan? [ Isaiah 52:7-9, 11 ]
  • How will the people be rescued? [ Isaiah 52:10 ]
    • Who will see this?


  • Even though the people deserved their exile in Babylon, what did the LORD do?
    • What does this tell us about the LORD?
  • Why is the message of salvation that is given in this passage good news for God’s people?
    • How are we similar to the Israelites that were taken away by the Babylonians?
    • How should we respond to the LORD’s salvation plan for his people?