
  • Why did John write this account of the gospel? [ John 20:30-31 ]


  • Where was Jesus (the Word) at the beginning of time? [ John 1:1-4 ]
    • What is the relationship between Jesus and God?
    • How was the Universe and everything else created?
    • How is Jesus the light of men?
    • How did the darkness try to overcome the light? [ John 1:5 ]
      • What is the darkness? What is the light?
      • What had the apostle John seen in his lifetime?
  • Why was John the baptist sent? [ John 1:6-7 ]
    • How is John the baptist different from Jesus? [ John 1:8 ]
  • Where was Jesus before he came into the World? How did he come into the World? [ John 1:1-3, 9, 14 ]
    • How did people react differently to Jesus?
    • Who rejected Jesus? [ John 1:10-11 ]
    • What happens to those that receive Jesus? [ John 1:12-13 ]
  • In seeing Jesus, what had John seen? [ John 1:14 ]
    • How is Jesus related to God the Father?


  • Who is Jesus?
    • Where was Jesus before Mary gave birth to him?
      • What was he doing beforehand?
      • How did his people treat him when he came?
      • When the apostle John saw Jesus, what did he see?
    • Who do we see in Jesus’ life and teachings?
  • Why can we trust Jesus? What has he done for us?